2015 Favourites
I'm almost a month late. This is getting embarrassing, isn't it? I promise I had the intention to write and publish this post right after the new year, but something got in between my intention and the actual deed. That something is the biggest fear of every student and it is something that comes back each year in January and June.. And in August if you're unlucky. Yes, I'm talking exams! I just finished my exams in Namur, which means I have one more left in Antwerp and then I'm free! I have some pretty awesome things to look forward to (hint: it involves snow), so I'm counting the days until I finish. But since I finally found some time to write this post, let's go ahead!
I already wrote an entire post about my trip, but I still get very excited when I think back to it. We only stayed there for four days because of the terrorists attack, but we had an amazing stay. The weather was nice, the hotel was great and overall it was amazing to relax after exams and take my mind off them!
Purpose - Justin Bieber
It's real. I turned into a Belieber too. My dad bought his album right when it came out (yup, we're a Belieber family now), and I've been listening to it every time I'm in the car! My current favourite is Children, because the beat makes my car turn into a mini-disco where I can go all crazy on myself. Another favourite is Sorry, of course! Couldn't not include that. I'm not a fan of all songs and I'm pretty sure I'll get sick of the CD in a couple of weeks/months, but currently I'm still a full-on Belieber.
My favourite book of the year is definitely this one! If you're in for a good, light hearted read, this is your go to! It's written by Graeme Simsion and I already wrote about it here! Apparently it's been turned into a movie so I'm definitely looking out for that. It'll be hard to find an actor who does a good job embodying the main caracter, but we'll see what that gives!
I wrote a post about this coffee spot not long after I arrived, but this became my addiction. The first time I went there they gave me a loyalty card, so I thought it was stupid not to make use of it! It was just a good excuse to make it my weekly treat, to be honest. Instead of buying coffee from chains like Starbucks, I'd rather buy my coffee from a small business where I know my weekly purchase might be important and where they'll actually be friendly! I got my free coffee yesterday, which means I spent some good money there. The amazing thing is that the woman offered me some free goodies twice, so I was very pleasantly surprised with that. She gave me a piece of homemade marzipan and a cookie! Those tasted very good, as you can imagine. I'll miss this!
Another thing I already wrote a post about (ha, I wrote posts about everything!), but it's something I'm extremely happy I did. Although this wasn't a full Erasmus experience for me because I went home every weekend, I still had the feeling of how it is to be a 'real' student! I'm obviously a real student in Antwerp too, but living on yourself definitely changes a lot about student life. I've loved every single moment of it and there are so many things -and people!! Mainly people - I will miss. I'm very happy I decided to go for it and study in a different language for a half year. I can recommend everyone who is thinking about it to just go for it!
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