Well hello there! It's been a while, don't you think? I've got an excuse though: my vacation has started! The day after my last exam, I left for Djerba with my mom and the plan was to return one week later. Sadly enough, there was an attack in a tourist hotel in Sousse
- I still can't believe it - and we had to return for safety reasons. I've been home since Saturday, but my days were pretty filled!
I'll be gone for the next 27 days and I'm not yet sure whether I'll find the time to write blog posts & upload them! I already apologize for the lack of posts, but I'm going to enjoy my vacation as much as I can. I'm getting ready to leave for scouting camp and immediately afterwards, I'll be going to Italy for 2 weeks! I have an amazing summer ahead of me
- and I passed all of my exams, yay! - so I'm really looking forward to everything that's going to happen.
I don't know when and where I will have access to Wifi the next month, but I am going to try to to upload some things as far as I will be able to. I hope you can forgive me, I'll make it up to you when I'm back home! Hasta la proxima!
P.S. Here are some pictures of Djerba already!
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