Apple Yogurt Cake
Last week was my birthday party for my family, and for the first time ever I decided to bake all of the pies and cakes myself. My family...
Last week was my birthday party for my family, and for the first time ever I decided to bake all of the pies and cakes myself. My family...
As I said before, concealer is a life saver for me. Whereas I don't really care about which concealer to use to cover up imperfectio...
Lately, I have really been into cookies and muffins. I don't know about you, but I go through fases when it comes to food, and defin...
There is something about nail polish that makes it impossible for me to resist. Whenever I see a new colour I don't have yet, I need to ...
If you know me even a little bit, you know that I am a little bit addicted to tea. I drink tea probably every day and my go-to is green...
It's that time of the year again: my birthday! Although this year isn't such a big deal - I'm only turning 19 - it's stil...
Being a baking lover, I'm addicted to new equipment. When I see new recipes, I'm convinced that I'm in nead of a slow cooker...
Online shopping is one of my favourite things to do when I'm on my computer. I can browse through sites for hours, often without actuall...